We take our work seriously.

Go to the links below to see YPSA’s most recent state test scores from May 2011. These scores are the first ever for the school.

School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

2010 - 2011 Report Card (English)
2010 - 2011 Report Card (Hmong)
2011 - 2012 Report Card (English)
2011 - 2012 Report Card (Hmong)
The scores show how the school performed in 2010-11. On the state API or Academic Performance Index, the school scored 752. The goal for all schools in California is 800.
The federal AYP or Annual Yearly Progress scores shows 34% of our 2nd through 6th graders proficient in English Language Arts and 59% proficient in math. The AYP scores serve as our baseline. We are working hard to increase the percentage of proficient student in both English Language Arts and math to 90%. That is how much we need to improve in order to be one of the top 10 schools in the Sacramento City Unified School District. It will take hard work and focus by staff and parents.
Prepared by the Sacramento City Unified School District for YPSA.
In November 2011, the Charter Schools Development Center conducted a school quality review to help us improve YPSA. The review was a requirement of the Public Charter Schools Grant from the federal government and administered by the California Department of Education.